Today I'm introducing you 16 seasonal color types. Why they are essential to understand and practice? Because proper colors make our appearance shine and wrong colors are destroying our looks. Moreover, when we know our ideal colors we can create a cohesive and gorgeous wardrobe and have colors that mix & match together without an issue.
Here are several gorgeous examples of how color types work. When we are wearing our colors we look young, fresh, and radiant. For example, the black hair on Angelina Jolie makes her look tired and aged. Jamie Lee is definitely has a cool color type and cannot handle warm colors. Look how much younger she looks on the left! Brooke Shields is a Soft Winter and warm, bright colors give her an unpleasant red undertone.
I hope you see the difference and ready to learn about 16 color types! I'm not going to go in-depth in each of them but rather introduce you to the system and explain the importance of knowing your colors!
If you're interested to learn about Angelina Jolie's color type read this post.
16 Seasonal Color Types
I'm sure you're familiar with 4 or 12 color types. These two are the most common systems that are widely practiced. However, they are not complete and leave out several color types! If you're were typed in 12 color types system there is maybe a chance that you're were typed wrong. (oops).
This is why the 16 color types system is the most efficient and complete one. It has 4 seasons: winter (cold), spring (warm), summer (cold), and fall (warm). However, each season is going to be decided into 4 groups: Pure, Tinted (Soft Light), Toned (Dark Light), and Shaded. These are the main characteristic of appearance.

It's really important to clearly understand your color type to get the best results. This can be done virtually or in-person. But what exactly you get when you learn about your color type? What are the advantages and what is the color book?
Light Summer (Example)
Let's see an example of Light Summer Color Type. Light Summer characteristics are: light + light, soft + cold. This means that colors with such qualities are going to look the best on this color type.
Here is an example of a color palette for Light Summer. If you're working with me you also getting KEY COLORS that should be placed near a portrait zone. Why? Because not all colors in your palette are going to look amazing in your portrait zone. But key colors can solve this issue and make your appearance shine. If you don't know key colors in your palette it's going to be hard to apply them.

After you've received your palette and key colors it becomes extremely easy to create outfits. First of all, all colors are easily combined with each other. Second, all these colors are going to look great for your color type. Third, no more worries and headaches at stores! Does it sound great?
Here is an example of outfits for the Light Summer type that uses colors from the provided palette. The process of creating such outfits becomes effortless.

I hope you enjoyed this small example of how you can use your color palette and got an understanding of the importance of color typing. I'm actually doing virtual color type analysis and provide my clients with color books. You can see an example and explanation about this service below.
Virtual Color Type Analysis & Color Book
Is it possible to have a virtual color analysis? Yes, it is! Obviously, it will require lots of good photo materials but the results are really consistent. It's really comfortable if you don't have a stylist near you but still want to have proper color typing.
I provide my clients with color type analysis and color book that included the description of their color type, color palette, key colors, color combinations, colors for their eyes, makeup & hair color suggestions. It's a guide that is helping them in their everyday life!

If you want to learn about your color type and get your color book — e-mail me and schedule a free 30-minute call! I'd love to work with you and help to figure everything out.
P.S. You can also download my free "Color Mixing Guide" here! I gave the best tips & recommendations on how to wear color with confidence.
I'm going to write down about each color type and update this article! Now you can read about these color types:
Want to Learn More About Color and Style?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of clothing options available, unsure of what colors and styles best suit you? Do you wish you could confidently choose outfits that make you look and feel your best every day? If so, my online course on color and style is perfect for you! In this course, I'll share all of my expert tips and tricks for mastering color theory, finding your ideal clothing silhouettes, and creating a cohesive wardrobe that reflects your unique personality and tastes. With the knowledge and confidence, you'll gain in this course, you'll be able to shop smarter and create beautiful outfits that make you feel like a million bucks! Click the image or this link to enroll today!
Read About Color Types Here: